
西班牙車庫酒 --- Espectacle

( 限量珍品 )




Owner : Christopher and Charlotte Cannan, René and Isabelle Barbier, Fernando and marta Zamora

Products : Montsant DO (Tinto), Espectacle del Montsant

Location : A single vineyard in the commune of La Figuera, just outside the Priorat DOQ, slightly northwest of Gratallops.

The wine is vinified and aged in the cellers of Laurona (qv), in nearby Falset.

Size of the Vineyards : 2 hectares

Soil : Clay-limestone

Grape Varieties : 100% Garnacha (Grenache)

Average age of the vines : Over 100 years old

Average production : Just 5000 bottles

Vinification and ageing :Grapes picked by hand, transported to winery in shallow boxes, and chilled 24 hours in a cold store at 4°C. First selection by hand, then destemming and automatic second selection by vibrating sorting table. 30 days cuvaison in a single large French oak circular vat. Then 14 to 16 months further maturation in the same oak vat.

Espectacle完全以人工採收,使用淺箱子運送至酒廠以避免擠壓,進到酒廠後先以低溫 4°C 冷藏 24小時,再經過 2次人工篩選,30天的澄清後,於橡木桶中陳年14-16個月。

這瓶卓越的的新酒款,採栽自非常陡峭的單一葡萄園,且是超過100年的 Grenache 珍貴老藤。葡萄園位於 La Figuera ,在知名產區 Montsant 的北部,俯瞰 Montsant 山丘,是觀看 Ebro Valley 最佳的地點,距離仳里牛斯山 200公里遠,因而取名 Espectacle。

Espectacle是由另一知名酒廠 Clos Mogador 來專心照料,釀酒並儲存。令人驚訝的是,使用非常好並成熟的 Grenache 葡萄所釀製,有完美柔順的香料味,豐富的層次和果味,這款酒是西班牙三位知名人士結合的顛峰作品,分別為 Rene and Isabelle Barbier (Clos Mogador 酒莊主人), Fernando and Marta Zamora (Tarragona 大學釀酒學教授), and Christopher and Charlotte Cannan (Laurona 酒莊主人),因此酒標上有三個板凳,代表三個人的合作無間。

Espectacle 一出廠即受到 Robert Parker 的極度讚賞,2004年份就獲得將近滿分 99分的高度評價,2006年份 96分,2007年份 98分,這樣優越的表現是全世界極為罕見的,年產量僅僅 5000瓶 (只約400箱) 而且只在極佳的年份才有生產,出廠後大部份提供給全世界知名的餐廳和飯店,其他經銷商配量非常稀少,因此在市面上極難買到,最令人驚訝的是Espectacle有最為超值的價格。

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Robert Parker 98

The 2007 Espectacle is 100% Garnacha sourced from 120-year-old vines located at La Figuera on the northern edge of the Montsant DO. The vineyard is managed by Rene Barbier?s Clos Mogador team and is aged in one 4000-liter vat at Celler Laurona. The 2007 Espectacle reveals a sexy bouquet of mineral, Asian spices, incense, truffle, and black cherry compote. This leads to a full-bodied, plush, succulent, impeccably balanced wine which admirably combines elegance and power. It will evolve effortlessly for several more years and have a drinking window extending 2013 to 2022 if not longer. It is Montsant?s benchmark wine and a world-class expression of old-vine Garnacha.

Robert Parker 98

2007 Espectacle 是由 100% 的120年 Garnacha 老藤所釀製,酒中有性感的花香,亞洲香料,及焚香、菇菌和黑苺的味道,堅實飽滿的酒體,奢華豐富的果味,令人讚嘆的完美平衡感,優雅柔順中且帶有強勁的力道,餘韻綿密悠長,是世界頂級的老藤 Garnacha 酒款。



Parker 評定100瓶最頂級的西班牙酒中,榮獲98分第二名,僅次於 Pingus,相較於 Pingus 每瓶上萬元的價格,Espectacle 不到幾千元的價格,真是無以倫比的超值,這樣的價格或許以後不會再出現了。




The Wine Advocate (2009) : 96 points

The 2006 Espectacle de Montsant delivers a perfume of super-fragrant cherries, spice box, olives, and incense. On the palate it is full-bodied, opulent, layered, and succulent. Dense, thick, and very long in the finish, it is irresistible now but will age effortlessly for another 4-6 years. It will drink optimally from 2014 to 2026. Espectacle?s fruit is sourced from a single vineyard of 100+-year-old Garnacha vines located at La Figuera on the northern edge of the Montsant DO.


The Wine Advocate (2008) : 99 points

The 2004 Espectacle del Montsant is deep crimson-colored with a sensational bouquet of mineral, espresso, lavender, violets, and black cherry. This leads to an opulent, nearly exotic wine with remarkable depth, complexity, and layers of sweet cherry-flavored fruit. It is as pure an expression of Grenache as exists anywhere on the planet and certainly the greatest example of Montsant ever produced.


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    夢幻酒鋪 (酩豐)

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