
Moccagatta 摩卡加塔酒莊 



Azienda Agricola Moccagatta 設立在 1952年,之後它所在的區域也以 Moccagatta 為地名。由現在擁有者的父親 Mario Minuto 所設立,葡萄園有 12 公頃。在 Franco and Sergio 兩兄弟的經營管理之下,Moccagatta 酒莊從 1980年代起在品質上有顯著的飛躍提昇,並擠身 Piemonte 區精英酒莊之列。採用過桶發酵以及在法國小橡木桶中熟成,嚴格的修剪和疏栽葡萄樹,雇用富有經驗的工作者改善設備與浸漬技術,這一切努力已經使 Moccagatta 成為 Barbaresco 的精英酒莊。

Minuto 家族擁有位於 Barbaresco 產區知名的 Bric Balin Grand Cru 葡萄園,這葡萄園在家族中已經很多年。雖然兩兄弟現在也算是「老手」,他們釀的酒卻具有現代風格。葡萄來自 Minuto 家族所擁有或租用的葡萄園,經由他們自己耕種。


Franco and Sergio 兄弟的 Moccagatta 酒莊,在 Barbaresco 和 Neive 兩個村莊共擁有 12公頃非凡的葡萄園。擁有不同特色的葡萄園—Basarin、Cole 和 Bric Balin —這三個葡萄園分別以提高其風土特色的方式來釀酒。

  • -- Basarin 位於 Neive 村莊周圍,有甜的黑色水果和葡萄乾的香氣,是非常適合無需再陳年即可飲用的好酒。
  • -- Moccagatta 是 Cole 唯一有自行裝瓶的酒莊(為了配合Barbaresco 附近著名的 Montestefano cru)。在大橡木桶中發酵釀造,這是華麗又豐富飽滿、質地柔滑且能長期陳年的好酒。
  • -- Bric Balin 是三個 Barbarescos 中的寶石,成熟優雅、天鵝絨般柔和可口,有稠密紅色水果、可可和香料的香氣,使用部分新大橡木桶中釀製。它具有令人驚異的壓碎的漿果、桃子、花卉香味,濃郁飽滿的在口中散開,有著極佳的單寧以及悠長的尾韻。過橡木桶桶發酵的
  • -- Barbera d’Alba,其非凡與層次也來自 Basarin 這個優秀的葡萄園。
  • -- 另一個重心是致力於 Chardonnay Langhe Buschet 白酒;這些都是世界級的 Chardonnays,考慮身為義大利最佳的酒莊之一(特別是濃郁的 "Buschet。"),Moccagatta 也生產少量芬芳清爽的純 Dolcetto d’Alba

" Sergio and Franco 兄弟,從他們在 Barbaresco 和 Neive 的葡萄園中釀造出優秀的現代風格 Barbarescos。尋找能表現Barbaresco 優雅與現代感的愛酒人士,一定會欣賞Moccagatta 酒莊。"

– The Wine Advocate, December 2004





Moccagatta 酒款介紹

2007 Moccagatta Barbaresco Bric Balin

價格 : $3,000. 限量50瓶


Wine Spectator --94

Superfresh and focused, delivering pure flavors of, blackberry, black currant, violet, mineral and a hint of tar. This is all backed by refined tannins and bright acidity, a structure that should allow this to develop over the next 20 years. Best from 2014 through 2030. 1,916 cases made. Score 94 – Wine Spectator.


Robert Parker -- 93

The 2007 Barbaresco Bric Balin is simply gorgeous. This is a decidedly fat, generous Bric Balin endowed with layers of red fruit, cinnamon, cloves and crushed flowers. The oak is very nicely balanced. In 2007 the Bric Balin possesses an unusual amount of depth and textural richness. The tannins are also a bit backward, suggesting the wine needs another 2-3 years to fully open up. This is an impressive effort from Moccagatta. Anticipated maturity: 2015-2027.

2007 Barbaresco Bric Balin就是如此的華麗,明顯的圓潤又濃厚,有紅色水果、肉桂、丁香和碎花的香味,經過橡木桶之後顯現很好的平衡,有異乎尋常的深度和豐富的層次。單寧尚有些生澀,需要再 2-3 年才會柔順,這是 Moccagatta 令人印象深刻的佳作。適飲期:2015-2027.

Stephen Tanzer: Good full red. Aromas of strawberry, mocha, caramel and smoky oak. Dense, ripe and sweet, with the lush texture to buffer its firm acid spine. Plenty of texture and sweetness here. I find these tannins to be plusher and riper than those of the 2006. Score 92 – International Wine Cellar.


International Wine Cellar Score 92

過往年份分數 :

2006 RP-92 WS-92

2005 RP-92 WS-93

2004 RP-92 WS-93


2007 Moccagatta Barbaresco Basarin 

價格 : $3,000. 限量50瓶


Wine Spectator -- 95

With a touch of oak adding sweetness and spice, this red is totally seductive, from its floral, cherry and licorice aromas and flavors, supple texture and harmony, to the lingering aftertaste of sweet fruit and spice. Ripe and charming, with a soft feel to the dense tannins. Best from 2013 through 2032. 833 cases made.


Robert Parker -- 92

The 2007 Barbaresco Basarin flows across the palate with elegant layers of perfumed fruit. Silky tannins frame the round fruit through to the long, generous finish. This isn’t the last word in complexity, but it is one of the most flat-out delicious 2007 Barbareschi I tasted. Floral, minty notes add complexity on the finish. The Basarin is a great choice for drinking now and over the next decade or so, but it will be even better in another year or two, once the French oak integrates a bit more. Anticipated maturity: 2011-2022.

2007 Barbaresco Basarin 芬芳的水果香味優雅的在口中漂流,絲一般柔順的單寧使得餘韻悠長,其優美的複雜度已無法用言語來形容,是我試過所有 2007年的 Babareso 裡最甜美的,尾韻中還有花卉、薄荷的香氣增加了酒的層次多樣性。現在飲用或是未來十年內飲用,都是一個不錯的選擇,當然過兩年等法國橡木桶融入酒中後,會更加好喝。適飲期:2011-2022

Wine Enthusiast -- 95.

Moccagatta’s expression from the Basarin cru will blow you away. This thickly extracted Barbaresco opens with a rich, dark appearance and opulent aromas of sweet spice, leather, toasted almond, vanilla and ripe cherry fruit. This is a big, masculine wine that would pair with pork medallions and caramelized onions. The finish is soft and slightly sweet. Keep it in your cellar 10 years or more. Score 95 – Wine Enthusiast.

Moccagatta Basarin Grand Cru 此酒的表現將使你大開眼界,有著濃厚、豐富又華麗的香料、皮革、烤杏仁、香草和熟櫻桃果香味。這是一瓶宏偉的鉅作,帶有有陽剛氣息,非常適合搭配炭烤里脊肉豬排,尾韻則是柔順且稍具甘甜,可在酒窖裡存放10年以上。

過往年份分數 :

2006 RP-91

2005 RP-89 WS-90

2004 RP-91 WS-90


聯絡電話 : (02) 2762-3525


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