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《 義大利 Tuscany 的平民貴公子 》

Fattoria San Giusto A Rentennano


  • San Giusto A Rentennano 是家義大利超級明星酒莊。~ 林裕森老師 (知名葡萄酒作家)
  • This complete vertical of Percarlo left me speechless. …… 。~ Wine Advocate

     頂級酒 Percarlo 全部的年份都好到讓我無法用言語表達了(目瞪口呆)。

      ~ Wine Advocate

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Duemani 酒莊是義大利釀酒大師 Luca d’Attoma 所開創的一個另一生涯高峰。Luca 起先在 Tuscany 地區擔任多家酒莊的釀酒顧問,在他的專業努力下這些酒莊紛紛成為世界第一流的超級巨星酒莊,包括 Tua Rita 和 Le Macchiole ,並在這兩家酒莊中分別釀出了100% Merlot ( 和 Masseto 一樣),並兩度獲得 Wine Spectator 100分最高榮譽的完美評價,能獲此殊榮者望眼全世界應該是鳳毛麟角了。這兩款酒為:


1997 Tua Rita Redigaffi Vino da Tavola ( Wine Spectator – 100分)

2004 Le Macchiole Toscana Messorio ( Wine Spectator – 100分)

      (’01 RP-97, ’04 RP-96, ’06 RP98, ’07 RP96, ’08 RP97) 歐元300.

早在 1991年  Luca就作為獨立的專業釀酒顧問,包括 Le Macchiole 和 Tua Rita 這兩家知名的酒莊。隨後在 1999年成立了葡萄酒發展諮詢協會 (W.E.C.)。W.E.C.的成員包括 18家酒莊莊主與釀酒師,協會提供共同研究的專業經驗與資訊交流,相信在台灣許多義大利酒的愛好者應該都喝過 Luca 參與釀造的酒款。

Luca 在 2000年買下一處從未開墾的土地,位于 Tuscan 海邊距離 Bolgheri 不遠09mag19_6_叫   Riparbella 的地方,是標準的地中海型的氣候,海拔 200公尺高和平坦的  Bolgheri 有些許的不同。酒莊通過有機認證的專門機構 “ Demeter “ 的嚴格審查,堅持不使用化學肥料、除草劑和除蟲劑,對葡萄園的照顧無微不至,讓土壤重生,葡萄更加健康成熟。Luca 釀造 Merlot 、Cabernet Franc、Syrah 等特別拿手,因此挑戰許多100% 單一葡萄品種的高度艱難酒款,未來將會是義大利釀造國際葡萄品種的巨星酒莊。

經過幾年的努力後,Duemani 酒莊已獲得 Robert Parker 和 Wine Spectator 高度評價,在 Luca 的高度專業努力下,再獲得第三個100分相信是值得我們期待的。

* Duemani (means Two Hands) : 意味著兩雙手即Luca夫妻同甘共苦攜手合作的經營酒莊。


Redemp1tion – that must be one of the principal themes running through Luca D’Attoma’s mind these days. One of Italy’s superstar consulting oenologists, D’Attoma helped launch many wineries that went on to become superstars. But his uncompromising ways and the strict demands on quality he placed on winery owners weren’t to everyone’s liking, so over the years D’Attoma’s client list dwindled. In the meantime, D’Attoma and his partner Elena Celli launched their own winery and started making notable wines of their own. Now after several years, many of the original clients are back and D’Attoma is at the top of his game. At Duemani, the vineyards are certified biodynamic and winemaking is stripped down to the bare essentials, with cement taking on an increasing role as a fermentation and aging vessel. This year D’Attoma and Celli have a new wine, CiFRA (100% Cabernet Franc) that is off the charts.

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巨星經典 Pian dell'Orino


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If forced to drink only one wine from Montalcino, I might very well choose

          Diego Molinaris sumptuous Brunello. Wine Advoacte

如果被迫只能喝一款 Montalcino,我認為最佳的選擇是 Diego Molinari 精彩絕倫的

Cerbaiona Brunello di Montalcino

  • It is a mythical, legendary wine in the making. ~ Wine Advoacte

這簡直像神話一般,這款酒就是 Montalcino 裡的經典傳奇。

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Azienda Agricola La Serena



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在 1970 年代只要一提到 Tuscany 和 Cabernet Sauvignon 就會讓人聯想到一堆高價位的葡萄酒— “ Super Tuscans ”。如今在托斯卡尼中的較不為人知的小產區,一個傳統種植 Cabernet 的產區即將成為明日之星 : Carmignano。

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Fattoria La Massa


Giampaolo Matta 從小生長在那不勒斯,原本要接手家族所經營的皮革事業。但是 Giampaolo 是一個有著自我想法的人,他喜愛葡萄酒。當 90年代他來到 Tuscany 觀光,他突然發現這裡是他心儀已久的地方---他找到了他的新家。

雄心萬丈的 Giampaolo Motta 於是留在 Tuscany,買下位於 Panzano in Chicnti 地區的酒莊,這裡離佛羅倫斯和 Siena 約有30到 40分鐘的車程。Motta 在剛開始前幾年不斷的尋覓著自己的風格,之後很快的確立了要栽種 Sangiovese、Merlot 和 Cabernet Sauvignon,完全不理會 Chianti Classico DOCG 法令的枷鎖,釀製波爾多風格的葡萄酒。

現在 La Massa 酒莊佔地 25公頃,只生產 La Massa和 Giorgio Primo 兩款酒,酒莊年產量達 13萬瓶。如今 Giampaolo 有顧問Carlo Ferrini 從旁協助,旗艦酒 Giorgio Primo 於 1993年到 2001年連續獲頒 Gambero Rosso 的最高等級 Tre Bicchieri (三個杯子)獎項。此外,更是受到 Robert Parker 和 Wine Spectator 等全球酒評家高度的關愛。

Giorgio Primo 使用本酒莊所生產最佳的葡萄所釀製而成,限量生產且只有在最好的年份才有推出,並已公認成為 “ Super Tuscan ” 的一員,Giorgio Primo 的名稱取自他的爺爺之名,是為了紀念疼愛他的爺爺,也是家族中唯一支持他從事釀酒的人。


2006年份確立這小酒莊的國際地位 :

2006 La Massa (WS-93) 得到 2008 年度 Wine Spectator 百大第31名

2007 Giorgio Primo (WS-97) 得到 2009 年度 Wine Spectator 百大第27名


Parker 對La Massa 的評語:

“Proprietor Giampaolo Motta is one of the most passionate, driven producers in Tuscany. Seemingly never content with his wines, he continues to ratchet up quality in a meaningful way. The 2007 vintage brings with it a few significant changes, first and foremost the elimination of Sangiovese from the top of the line Giorgio Primo. Motta has never been fully satisfied with the way Sangiovese ages, so he has opted to use all of his Sangiovese in the entry-level La Massa, and use only his finest Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Petit Verdot for Giorgio Primo. This means that production of La Massa (the wine) will nearly double to 100,000 bottles, while production of Giorgio Primo will drop significantly to about 20,000 bottles. Clearly, this is a huge hit to top-line revenues in the short-term as prices will remain unchanged, at least while economic conditions are soft. It is only a matter of time before prices increase for Giorgio Primo, so fans of this wine will want to give the 2007 special consideration.”

~ Robert Parker

Giampaolo Motta 是托斯卡尼地區最熱情、最自我鞭策的業主之一。似乎永遠不會滿足於他所生產的的酒,不斷地精益求精。2007年份的產品有了突破性的改變,首先是將 Sangiovese 品種的葡萄從 Giorgio Primo 葡萄酒中除名。Motta 從來都不滿意Sangiovese 在酒品中扮演的角色,所以 Motta 將 Sangiovese 放到 La Massa 這款基本酒款中,並使用頂級的 Merlot、Cabernet Sauvignon 和 Petit Verdot 於 Giorgio Primo 之中。這意味著 La Massa酒莊的產量將會提高一倍到 10萬瓶,但是 Giorgio Primo 的產量將會巨幅下降到只有 2萬瓶。很明顯地,如果酒品的售價不變,將會大幅衝擊到高價酒的營收。Giorgio Primo 一出廠後就會漲價,所以喜愛 Giorgio Primo 的粉絲不用再考慮,應該購買 2007年份的 Giorgio Primo。

~ Robert Parker





2008 La Massa Toscana Giorgio Primo


Wine Spectator - 94

A structured but balanced red. The polished, silky tannins caress the palate and deliver beautiful fruit, with plenty of currant, black olive and licorice character. Merlot, Cabernet Sauvingon and Petit Verdot. Best after 2013. Score 94 – Wine Spectator.

結構紮實的酒體,並有絕佳的平衡度。柔美細膩的單寧帶有水果的香氣,並充滿了紅醋栗、黑橄欖和甘草的口感。這款酒是由 Merlot, Cabernet Sauvingon 和 Petit Verdot 調配釀製而成。2013年後為適飲期。

Robert Parker - 93+

The 2008 Giorgio Primo is all class and elegance. It shows surprising richness for the vintage with a level of detail, clarity and polish that are first-rate. Minerals, crushed flowers, cassis and sweet grilled herbs add complexity on the long, focused finish. This is a fabulous effort from proprietor Giampaolo Motta. Anticipated maturity: 2013-2023. Score 93+ – The Wine Advocate.

2008年份的 Giorgio Primo 是如此的經典和優雅,豐富的酒體結構有令人驚訝的純淨與優美,表現出一流的架勢。帶有礦石、花香、黑醋栗的氣味交錯著乾藥草的味道,尾醞濃烈悠長。這是Giampaolo Motta 辛勤的傑作。適飲期: 2013~2023年。




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Podere Il Carnasciale


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    Castello di Ama 艾瑪酒莊

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Website: www.montevertine.it

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Le Macchiole



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